Regional policy sensitisation on Newcastle Disease in West and Central Africa workshop report

Workshop in Burkina Faso for 38 representatives of countries where GALVmed has Newcastle disease vaccination projects


The 2-day workshop was held in Burkina Faso for 38 representatives of West and Central African countries where GALVmed has projects on vaccination against Newcastle disease, notably Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mali.

The workshop was co-organised by GALVmed and the West African Network for the Promotion of Livestock in Rural Areas (REPAC). The workshop was opened by Souleymane Pindé, Director of Animal Production in the Ministry of Livestock of Burkina Faso.

This is an output from the ‘Global Alliance For Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed): Phase 2 – Protecting Livestock and Saving Human Lives’ programme


West African Network for Promotion of Short Cycle Animals (REPAC) (2017) Regional policy sensitisation on Newcastle Disease in West and Central Africa workshop report

Regional policy sensitisation on Newcastle Disease in West and Central Africa workshop report

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Published 30 June 2017