Regional Heritability Mapping Provides Insights into Dry Matter Content in African White and Yellow Cassava Populations

This study investigated the genetic control of dry matter in white and yellow cassava


The HarvestPlus program for cassava fortifies cassava with β-carotene by breeding for carotene-rich tubers (yellow cassava). However, a negative correlation between yellowness and dry matter (DM) content has been identified. The authors investigated the genetic control of DM in white and yellow cassava.

This work is part of the “Next Generation Cassava Breeding Project” which is supported by the UK Department for International Development, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Okeke, U. G., D. Akdemir, I. Rabbi, P. Kulakow, and J. Jannink. 2018. Regional Heritability Mapping Provides Insights into Dry Matter Content in African White and Yellow Cassava Populations. Plant Genome 11:170050. doi:10.3835/plantgenome2017.06.0050

Regional Heritability Mapping Provides Insights into Dry Matter Content in African White and Yellow Cassava Populations

Published 22 December 2017