Reflections on the ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting

This think piece offers reflections on this Meeting which was organised on 25-27 February 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal


This think piece offers reflections on the second ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting (IRIM) 2019, which was organised on 25-27 February 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. IRIM brought together key stakeholders from ReCAP partner countries (both research practitioners and policy makers), implementation partners and multilateral partners on the theme of ““Effective uptake and embedment of transport research benefiting rural communities””. The think piece provides a number of key messages, lessons and recommendations for enhanced uptake of ReCAP research, based on interviews with IRIM delegates and observations during the event.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


Thapa, R., Scriptoria (2019). Reflections on the ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting, 25-27 February 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal – ReCAP Think Piece. London: ReCAP for DFID.

Reflections on the ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting

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Published 28 February 2019