RECOUP Working Paper No. 32: Educational outcomes and poverty. Some findings from a household survey in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh


This report is based on a quantitative survey of around 1000 households in rural and urban areas of three districts each in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, conducted in 2007. In each household while information on all family members were collected, a detailed schedule was used for all members between 15 and 60 age group. A very similar survey was conducted in Pakistan in the year 2006. In the annexure some sections from the descriptive report for Pakistan is given – this gives a description of the type of data collected and key features of the questionnaires are given. The data generated from this survey is expected to serve two purposes. Firstly the detailed nature of the survey gives information on various aspects of the respondents‟ life and so allows analysis of determinants of various economic and social outcomes for the individual. Secondly, the data from the quantitative and the qualitative surveys allows triangulation to explore pathways of achieving different outcomes.


RECOUP Working Paper No. 32, Centre for Education and International Development, University of Cambridge, UK, 82 pp.

RECOUP Working Paper No. 32: Educational outcomes and poverty. Some findings from a household survey in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh

Published 1 January 2010