Rapid assessment and response. Adaptation guide for work with especially vulnerable young people.


A guide to conducting a rapid assessment of circumstances and need with especially vulnerable young people. Includes detailed guidance on programme development. (Developed for WHO HIV/AIDS).

The contents are as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 HIV/AIDS prevention and especially vulnerable young people
Chapter 3 Applying RAR principles
Chapter 4 Organizing an RAR among young people
Chapter 5 Planning and implementing a response
Chapter 6 Social mobilization, advocacy and community participation
Chapter 7 Training
Chapter 8 Wording the questions asked - the rapid assessment modules
Chapter 9 Finding out about young people: the methods modules
Chapter 10 Developing an action plan
Chapter 11 Evaluation
Annex: Useful resources


Malcolm, A.; Aggleton, P. Rapid assessment and response. Adaptation guide for work with especially vulnerable young people. (2004) 67 pp.

Rapid assessment and response. Adaptation guide for work with especially vulnerable young people.

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Published 1 January 2004