Qualitative Research and Analyses of the Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ghana Country Case Study Report


This report presents analysis and findings from a qualitative research case study conducted in April 2012 in Ghana, the first of a six country study of the economic impact of cash transfer programmes in Sub Saharan Africa. The Ghana Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) cash transfer programme is the Government of Ghana’s flagship programme, targeting extremely poor households with elderly, disabled or Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). The payment of between US$4-8 is made every two months through a local pay point. By 2012, LEAP was reaching over 70,000 beneficiary households across 100 districts nationwide


Oxford Policy Management. Qualitative Research and Analyses of the Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana Country Case Study Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2013) v + 54 pp.

Qualitative Research and Analyses of the Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana country case study report (PDF, 906KB)

Published 1 January 2013