Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of Women’s Participation in Higher or Growing Productivity and Male-Dominated Labor Market Sectors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This is a protocol for a Systematic Review


Globally, women’s participation in the labor force continues to be lower than men’s and varies across sectors. This inequality in labor force participation is especially pronounced in higher and growing productivity sectors. This systematic review aims to review qualitative studies on the barriers to and facilitators of women’s participation in higher or growing productivity labor market sectors that are male-dominated in low- and middle-income countries.

The review will be conducted in 2 stages: a first stage will comprise an initial scoping exercise and a second stage of full systematic review. The aims of the first stage are to set the boundaries of the review and to map the diversity of the studies captured by the search strategy. In the second stage, the authors will conduct a systematic review of all research evidence meeting the criteria, screening full text of relevant studies, detailed coding of key data from relevant studies, assessing the quality of these studies, and synthesizing their findings.

The review will identify studies by conducting a bibliographic search of 18 databases and will draw on the grey literature by hand searching more than 35 topic-specific websites. Studies considered for the review will be limited to those published in English from 2000 onwards.

The authors will use review-specific and standardized tools to extract data from and to critically appraise all relevant studies. The coding will be designed to capture study aims and objectives, population characteristics, study methods, outcomes, mechanisms (barriers and enablers), limitations, and recommendations. The method of synthesis will be thematic synthesis.

The systematic review for this protocol was published in April 2019


Peters, E., Espelage. D., Irvin-Erickson, Y., Malik, A. and Adelstein, S., Valido, A., Moh, E., Woodst, T., Reimal, E. and Lipman, M. (2018) Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of Women’s Participation in Higher or Growing Productivity and Male-Dominated Labor Market Sectors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Systematic Review Protocol) Washington DC: Urban Institute

Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of Women’s Participation in Higher or Growing Productivity and Male-Dominated Labor Market Sectors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Systematic Review Protocol)

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Published 21 June 2018