Provenance variation in rooting ability of Calliandra calothyrsus


Within and between variation in the rooting ability of Calliandra calothyrsus was determined. Provenance variation in rooting ability was found, with seedlings collected in San Ramon provence, Nicaragua, averaging 76%, while seedlings from Huehutetenango, Guatemala, achieved only 12% rooting.However, the variation in rooting potential was primarily attributed to properties of the leaves rather than the provenance origin of the stockplant. Both the ability of a cutting to maintain leaves during propagation and the initial area of the leaf on the cutting were found to be primary determinants of rooting ability.


DICK, J.MCP., BISSET, H. AND MCBEATH, C. (1996). Provenance variation in rooting ability of Calliandra calothyrsus. Forest Ecology and Management. 87. pp. 175-184. [Journal paper] [Paper]. (A)

Provenance variation in rooting ability of Calliandra calothyrsus

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Published 1 January 1996