Protocol - What policies and interventions have been strongly associated with reductions in in-country income inequality?

This is a protocol for a systematic review


This is the protocol for a systematic review published in 2016

This protocol sets out the objectives for this review:

(1) to map the available evidence that seeks to evaluate or better understand the effects of government policies and interventions on income inequality, in low and middle income countries;

(2) to establish whether any particular types of policies or interventions tend to reduce or increase income inequality on average: in other words, whether there are any consistent and generalisable findings or results across contexts and methods;

(3) to explain heterogeneity in the estimated effect of such policies or interventions, across countries, regions or over time (‘structural’ heterogeneity) or research methods used (‘method’ heterogeneity);

(4) to understand better the processes and mechanisms through which government policies and interventions affect income inequality.


Anderson, E.; Esposito, L.; Duvendack, M.; Jalles d;Orey, M.A. Protocol - What policies and interventions have been strongly associated with reductions in in-country income inequality? EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, London, UK (2014) 57 pp.

Protocol - What policies and interventions have been strongly associated with reductions in in-country income inequality?

Published 1 January 2014