Protocol - Effectiveness of interventions to strengthen national health service delivery on coverage, access, quality, and equity in the use of health services in low and lower middle income countries.

Protocol for a systematic review


The focus of this systematic review is to describe recent experience from low and lower middle income countries of interventions to improve the delivery of health services by front-line workers. This review will assess these interventions using a range of indicators, which describe the effect on the availability and quality of services, utilization and equity in use of health services, and where possible patient’s health status and mortality.

This protocol outlines the context and rationale for the review (sections 2 and 3), aims and objectives (section 4), and methods, including the criteria for considering studies (section 5.1), the search strategy (section 5.2), as well as data collection and analysis plans (section 5.3).


Willey, B.; Smith Paintain, L.; Mangham, L.; Car, J.; Schellenberg, J.A. Protocol - Effectiveness of interventions to strengthen national health service delivery on coverage, access, quality, and equity in the use of health services in low and lower middle income countries. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK (2012) 27 pp.

Protocol - Effectiveness of interventions to strengthen national health service delivery on coverage, access, quality, and equity in the use of health services in low and lower middle income countries.

Published 1 January 2012