Protecting the Unprotected. Drug-Use, Sex-Work and Rights in Pakistan's Fight Against HIV/AIDS


This study investigated the nature and extent of HIV-risk practices among vulnerable groups (injecting drug users and sex workers) and how human rights violations may exacerbate these practices. It revealed high levels of abuse of human dignity of all vulnerable groups studied, by families, neighbours, police and prison authorities. The abuse faced by these groups is not only a violation of their physical and mental integrity but also leads to increased risk of HIV.


Mayhew, S.; Collumbien, M.; Qureshi, A.; Platt, L.; Rafiq, N.; Faisel, A.; Lalji, N.; Hawkes, S. Protecting the Unprotected. Drug-Use, Sex-Work and Rights in Pakistan’s Fight Against HIV/AIDS. Presented at XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, 3-8 August. (2009) 1 pp.

Protecting the Unprotected. Drug-Use, Sex-Work and Rights in Pakistan’s Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Published 1 January 2009