Promoviendo Innovaciones con los Actores de la Cadena y Revalorizar la Biodiversidad de la Papa [Promoting innovations with those in the chain and revalueing of potato biodiversity]


Improving competitiveness of the potato chain is a key factor for the development of the sector; this theme is associated with both productivity improvements and mainly quality criteria. In this regard, the International Potato Center (CIP) through the Incopa Project (Promotion of Competitive Production of Peruvian Potatoes to respond to new market opportunities) has been promoting a process that seeks to exploit the comparative advantages (given by the geographical location) of Peruvian potatoes and to add factors that develop competitive advantage (differentiation and added value of the product).


Ordinola, M.; Bernet, T.; Manrique, K.; Fonseca, C. Promoviendo Innovaciones con los Actores de la Cadena y Revalorizar la Biodiversidad de la Papa [Promoting innovations with those in the chain and revalueing of potato biodiversity]. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru (2009) 58 pp. [In Spanish]

Promoviendo Innovaciones con los Actores de la Cadena y Revalorizar la Biodiversidad de la Papa [Promoting innovations with those in the chain and revalueing of potato biodiversity]

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Published 1 January 2007