Promotion of and technical support for methods of controlling whitefly-borne viruses in sweet potato in East Africa. Final Technical Report.


Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) is the main disease of sweet potato in Africa and is caused by dual infection of sweet potato by the aphidborne virus Sweet potato feathery mottle virus and the whitefly-borne Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus. Extensive on-farm and on-station trials have shown that some newly-released sweet potato varieties maintain low incidences of SPVD in areas of Uganda around Lake Victoria where SPVD has previously been shown to be prevalent whilst achieving tuberous root yields considerably exceeding those of local checks selected by collaborating farmers.


Gibson, R.W. Promotion of and technical support for methods of controlling whitefly-borne viruses in sweet potato in East Africa. Final Technical Report. (2002) 70 pp.

Promotion of and technical support for methods of controlling whitefly-borne viruses in sweet potato in East Africa. Final Technical Report.

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Published 1 January 2002