Product development partnerships: public–private partnerships among unequal partners?


This chapter describes the success that public-private product development partnerships (PDPs) have had in developing drugs, vaccines, etc. for diseases that mostly affect poor countries; problems such as lack of involvement of developing country policymakers, and mistrust of the private sector among many health activists; the more recently increasing visibility of PDPs among policymakers (including developed countries), helped by greater collaboration among PDPs; and possible reasons why financial support from governments nevertheless remains limited, forcing PDPs to rely on private philanthropy. It is argued that the public sector should increase its contribution and become an equal partner.


Wang, A. Product development partnerships: public–private partnerships among unequal partners? In: Matlin, S.A.; Francisco, A. de; Sundaram, L.; Faich, H.S.; Gehner, M (Eds). Health Partnerships Review. Global Forum for Health Research, Geneva, Switzerland (2008) 28-30. ISBN 978-2-940401-05-5

Product development partnerships: public–private partnerships among unequal partners?

Published 1 January 2008