Prison health in Russia: the larger picture.


This paper reviews the available information on the health of the imprisoned population in Russia and the factors underlying it. It was undertaken by means of a search of Russian and international literature, including unpublished sources, supplemented by in-depth interviews with 27 key informants from the Ministry of Justice, prison administration, and non-governmental organizations. Published and unpublished data from the ministries of health and justice were used to describe the demographic characteristics of the imprisoned population and compare it with the general population.


Bobrik, A.; Danishevski, K.; Eroshina, K.; McKee, M. Prison health in Russia: the larger picture. Journal of Public Health Policy (2005) 26 (1) 30-59. [DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jphp.3200002]

Prison health in Russia: the larger picture.

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Published 1 January 2005