Preventing dropout in Bangladesh


Effective policies to improve school progression and reduce the numbers of children dropping out of school are critical if Universal Primary Education (UPE) is to be achieved. Although children are starting primary school in greater numbers than ever before, over half of the children who start primary school do not complete the full cycle of education in many low income countries (Lewin and Sabates, 2011). In Bangladesh although entry into Grade 1 has reached near universal levels the primary school completion rate has remained around 60% since 2000 (World Bank, 2009). Repetition and drop out remain substantial problems. This policy brief examines detailed CREATE data from Bangladesh and makes a number of policy recommendations. It is based on the monograph School Drop Out in Bangladesh: New Insights from Longitudinal Evidence (Sabates, R., Hossain A., and Lewin, K., 2010).


CREATE Bangladesh Policy Brief 6, 4 pp.

Preventing dropout in Bangladesh

Published 1 January 2011