Prevalence and <i>in vitro</i> characteristics of reverse transcriptase (RT) N348I mutation in non-B subtypes, in the absence of viral load monitoring, in the DART Study (NORA substudy).


McCormick, A.; Burke, A.; Katundu, P.; Lyagoba, F.; Parry, C.; Yirrell, D.; Munderi, P.; Robertson, V.; Kaleebu, P.; Pillay, D. Prevalence and iin vitroi characteristics of reverse transcriptase (RT) N348I mutation in non-B subtypes, in the absence of viral load monitoring, in the DART Study (NORA substudy). Presented at the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montréal, Canada, 8-11 February 2008. (2009)

Prevalence and in vitro characteristics of reverse transcriptase (RT) N348I mutation in non-B subtypes, in the absence of viral load monitoring, in the DART Study (NORA substudy).

Published 1 January 2009