Poverty Elimination Through Rice Research Assistance Project (PETRRA). Fourth Output to Purpose Review 30th November to 14th December 2003


After a brief introduction to the programme and the review process, the findings regarding progress for PETRRA’s 2003 milestones are reported and progress towards attainment of each Logframe Output is reviewed. Other sections cover: specific cross cutting issues – poverty focus, participation, gender and institutions; M&E activities, evaluation plan and current progress towards impact; PETRRA’s exit strategy and recommendations to be considered as part of the project’s exit strategy. The final section comments on the findings that appear to be relevant to the DFID-B Country Assistance Plan.


Quin, F.M.; Musillo, B.; Kar, K.; Alam, Z. Poverty Elimination Through Rice Research Assistance Project (PETRRA). Fourth Output to Purpose Review 30th November to 14th December 2003. Rural Livelihoods Evaluation Partnership, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2004) 120 pp.

Poverty Elimination Through Rice Research Assistance Project (PETRRA). Fourth Output to Purpose Review 30th November to 14th December 2003

Published 1 January 2004