Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development in India: Case Studies from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa


The purpose of this publication is to present the findings of research concerned with improved understanding and appropriate policy development for the rural non-farm economy (RNFE) in India. The two Indian states selected for analysis were Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. The study design and analysis in this report are at three levels. These include analysis of access and constraints to the RNFE at the household level; the meso-level analysis of the role of small towns and rural-urban links in the RNFE; and the village, district and state level analyses of local governance issues. The report is structured to reflect this multilevel analysis.


Dasgupta, N.; Kleih, U.; Marter, A.; Wandschneider, T. Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development in India: Case Studies from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2004) 66 pp. ISBN 0 85954 558-X

Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development in India: Case Studies from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa

Published 1 January 2004