Policy Brief No. 61. Targeting in the Farm Input Subsidy Programme in Malawi, 2006/07 – 2011/12


Targeting, the process of directing subsidised inputs to particular areas and to households within those areas, plays a critical role in Malawi’s Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP). It involves the implementation of particular targeting systems which are intended to deliver particular targeting outcomes and patterns of subsidised input access across areas and households. These affect how inputs are used, and hence programme impacts. Targeting is controversial and political, as it determines whether or not, how and how much particular people and groups benefit from the programme. Targeting is also difficult – and the large scale of the programme across the country adds to the challenges and costs in implementing and supervising targeting.

This policy brief sets out targeting issues that emerge from FISP evaluations and suggests criteria and options for improving targeting processes, outcomes and impacts.


Dorward, A.R.; Chirwa, E.W. Policy Brief No. 61. Targeting in the Farm Input Subsidy Programme in Malawi, 2006/07 – 2011/12. Future Agricultures Consortium, Brighton, UK (2013) 9 pp.

Policy Brief No. 61. Targeting in the Farm Input Subsidy Programme in Malawi, 2006/07 – 2011/12

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Published 1 January 2013