Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation to climate change: Policy Perspectives


This Policy Perspectives paper summarises the results from a recent study led by the International Institute for Environment and Development, the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership, with national teams in five developing countries (Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania). The principal conclusions inform policy and planning by addressing the following issues:

  • Framing and methodological development in the assessment of climate adaptation.
  • Assessment of current vulnerabilities, and potential future impacts and costs of adaptation.
  • Identification of strategies and measures considered priorities across regions and types of agriculture in ‘pathways of adaptation’.


Downing, T.; Chambwera, M.; Cabot Venton, C.; Dyszynski, J.; Crawford, V. Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation to climate change: Policy Perspectives. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK (2011) 11 pp.

Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation to climate change: Policy Perspectives

Published 1 January 2011