Phosphorous Efficiency and Tolerance Traits for Selection of Sorghum for Performance in Phosphorous-Limited Environments

Sorghum is widely cultivated in West Africa on soils with low phosphorus availability


Sorghum is widely cultivated in West Africa on soils with low phosphorus availability. Large genetic variation for grain yield under low-phosphorus conditions was observed among West Africa sorghum genotypes, but information is lacking on the usefulness of phosphorus-tolerance ratio and measures of phosphorus-acquisition and internal phosphorus-use efficiency as selection criteria for enhancing grain yield under low- phosphorus conditions.


Leiser, W.L.; Rattunde, H.F.W.; Piepho, H.P.; Weltzien, E.; Diallo, A.; Toure, A.; Hausmann, B.I.G. Phosphorous Efficiency and Tolerance Traits for Selection of Sorghum for Performance in Phosphorous-Limited Environments. Crop Science (2015) 55 (3) 1152-1162. [DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2014.05.0392]

Phosphorous Efficiency and Tolerance Traits for Selection of Sorghum for Performance in Phosphorous-Limited Environments

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Published 1 January 2015