Perspectiva conceptual y práctica de la modernización ecológica y la globalización


The article defines what ecological modernization means. It explains that it is the new paradigm that reconciles the neo-liberal market economy principles with successful environmental protection. This is a most accepted paradigm and it features well within the globalisation; it is discussed from theoretical and also empirical stances. With this purpose, the paper addresses environmental sustainability and analyses in particular environmental policy and the role of clean and efficient technological innovations. The article raises some of the paradoxes that characterize the ecological modernization model of economic growth and highlights contradictions between growth in a globalised world and nature's protection. It emerges that environmental degradation might be difficult to sort out due more to political and economic causes than to scientific or technological. The paper approaches the subject from a reverted analytical perspective, i.e., from the effect that has had the environment on the local and international economy, rather than on the impact of the economy on the environment.


Cherni, J. Perspectiva conceptual y práctica de la modernización ecológica y la globalización. Revista Theomai (2003) 7 [in Spanish].

Perspectiva conceptual y práctica de la modernización ecológica y la globalización

Published 1 January 2003