Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon


The authors studied patterns of antenatal care in low- versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon comparing 538 women after delivery in urban Beirut with rural Baka’a. Most women had 9 antenatal care visits with an obstetrician, starting in the first trimester. Care for high-risk and low-risk pregnancies was similar in terms of type of provider, number of visits and timing of first visit. More high-risk women had advice about special diets, supplements and laboratory tests. Maternal and fetal outcomes showed that, controlling for area and pregnancy risk, more antenatal visits were associated with fewer preterm deliveries, more caesarean sections and fewer cases of postpartum depression. Overall, differences between risk groups were small.


El-Kak, F.; Chaaya, M.; Campbell, O.; Kaddour, A. Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (2004) 10 (3) 268-276.

Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon

Published 1 January 2004