Pathways South Asia Synthesis Report 2006-2011


This report provides highlights of some of the activities and research undertaken over the past five years. Research carried out in Bangladesh and Pakistan has shown that empowerment is a complex process that can take many forms, many routes and is best seen as an ongoing journey. While it is about increasing individual choice, and the freedom and opportunities to make these choices, it is also concerned with bringing about structural and societal change so that these choices and freedoms are available to all women and not just to some. Sustained mobilisation and pressure by women’s rights organisations, social movements, alliances and coalitions is essential to make and maintain such societal change. The importance of mobilisation through organising is highlighted in our research on women's organisations building constituencies as well as our research on women's work and empowerment.


Pathways South Asia. Pathways South Asia Synthesis Report 2006-2011. Pathways South Asia, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2011) 40 pp.

Pathways South Asia Synthesis Report 2006-2011

Published 1 January 2011