Pathology of Pinus radiata in Ecuador with special reference to dothistroma


Scirrha pini Funk and Parker (Dothistroma septospora (Dorog.) Morelet) is reported for the first time from Ecuador. Dothistroma needle blight was recorded on Pinus radiata in both nurseries and plantations (2 to 9 years old), from various high altitude localities in the Sierra. Infection was particularly severe in plantations situated between 2500-3000 m a.s.l. Pinus patula showed a resistant reaction to the fungus as did some older P. radiata trees. Several associated fungi are also listed together with those facultative fungal pathogens isolated from necrotic needles and stem cankers.


Evans, H.C.; Oleas, A.R. Pathology of Pinus radiata in Ecuador with special reference to Dothistroma. Tropical Pest Management (1983) 29 (4) 316-320. [DOI: 10.1080/09670878309370825]

Pathology of Pinus radiata in Ecuador with special reference to dothistroma

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Published 1 January 1983