Pathfinder Paper: Equity and gender


This review considers access to sanitation and hygiene services with a focus on the themes of equity and equality. The paper begins by reviewing concepts of economic, social, spatial and political inequality and their significance to issues related to access to sanitation and hygiene services.

Drawing on discussions with SHARE collaborators and an overview of relevant literature, the review summarises some of the findings in respect of our understanding of what it takes to provide equitable access. The conclusion argues that there are three groupings within the relevant literature, each of which makes a contribution to addressing the need for interventions that take account of structural inequalities, but each of which is limited when considered alone.

The paper is the second in the Pathfinder series; each paper relates to one of SHARE's research themes.


Mitlin, D. Pathfinder Paper: Equity and gender. (2011) 52 pp.

Pathfinder Paper: Equity and gender

Published 1 January 2011