Partnerships for access to community electricity (PACE). Policy Guidelines.


This PACE guide was produced using energy and development expertise from Ethiopia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Uganda and the UK, with review by other leading experts in the field.

The objective of the work was to determine how best to accelerate wider access and increase the livelihood impacts of electrication projects in developing countries. It involved studies of individual villages in each country that have gone through an electrification event in the last 10 years or so, and engaged principal actors in national government and the private sector to determine needs and priorities. This guidance documentation draws on the country-specific and trans-national lessons learned. The report is presented in 5 parts:

  • International guidelines
  • Ethiopia
  • Nepal
  • Sri Lanka
  • Uganda


Partnerships for access to community electricity (PACE). Policy Guidelines, ESD Ltd, UK, 142 pp.

Partnerships for access to community electricity (PACE). Policy Guidelines.

Published 1 January 2003