Participatory Approach to Core Area Development. A Guide to Good Practice. Fact Sheet 4: Physical Factors.


Assessment of the physical nature of the site is an important factor in the

process as site conditions or location can render mixed use development

of this type inappropriate. It may be that the site is unsuitable for viable

commercial development due to the difficulties in assembling a large enough site, or to accessing or servicing the site. The site may be inappropriate for redevelopment for residential uses due to factors rendering the site unsanitary or dangerous. Environmental factors such as a high risk of flooding can also rule out the option of residential development on site, due to the prohibitive costs involved.

This Fact Sheet sets the current urban scene and suggests ways and means within the topic of Physical Factors towards achieving sustainable mixed use core area development.


Participatory Approach to Core Area Development. A Guide to Good Practice. Fact Sheet 4: Physical Factors.

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Published 1 January 2003