Parasitic Strategies of Root Nematodes and Associated Host Cell Responses


Many species of plant-parasitic nematodes have evolved complex relationships with their hosts, inducing profound alterations in the morphology of the cells from which they feed. The availability of modem molecular techniques has recently enabled several breakthroughs in our understanding of plant-nematode interactions. This work underpins an emerging ability to deploy new resistance strategies against these pathogens. This paper highlights recent advances in the areas of parasitic strategies, host cell responses and novel defense strategies.


Sijmons, P.C.; Atkinson, H.J.; Wyss, U. Parasitic Strategies of Root Nematodes and Associated Host Cell Responses. Annual Review of Phytopathology (1994) 32 (1) 235-259. [DOI: 10.1146/]

Parasitic Strategies of Root Nematodes and Associated Host Cell Responses

Published 1 January 1994