Paper 2. Landscaping Policy Relevant Research in Pakistan: Identifying the Key Actors


This paper is the first attempt to landscape the policy relevant research institutions in Pakistan. In addition to the paper on political economy analysis, it provides a broad overview of the institutions engaged in policy research in the country, their thematic priorities, geographic concentration and sources of funding available to them. It attempts to identify the major challenges and opportunities for strengthening policy relevant research in Pakistan.

This paper is organized thematically and the significant actors in policy research under each theme are listed along with a brief description of their priorities. It also provides an overview of the sources of funding available to the institutions of policy research in Pakistan.

This paper is structured in three sections. After the introduction, the second section presents the landscape of key policy research organizations and the focus of their research under each of the seven selected themes. The third section presents an overview of the sources of funding available for policy research and the fourth section summarises the analysis and provides some key recommendations.


Arif Naveed. Paper 2. Landscaping Policy Relevant Research in Pakistan: Identifying the Key Actors. Sustainable Policy Development Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan (2013) 107 pp.

Paper 2. Landscaping Policy Relevant Research in Pakistan: Identifying the Key Actors

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Published 1 January 2013