Panos Institute id21 Development Research Dissemination Project. Final Project Report to Social Science Research Unit (SSRU), DFID.


The id21 Panos project- October 2000-September 2003 was a substantial component of the id21 development communications project at the Institute of Development Studies-focused on disseminating UK funded research from id21. This project was a continuation and expansion of Panos’ earlier dissemination work with IDS prior to October 2000. This earlier work was positively evaluated in March 2000 and the results of the evaluation formed the basis on the current project.

The main objectives of the Panos id21 project was to popularise UK funded research on economic and social development issues sourced from the id21 website and other British universities, through a monthly series of print and radio features disseminated to a general public audience through the southern media (comprising mainstream newspapers, NGO publications, magazines and on-line information services). The project also organised a series of capacity building and training activities with developing country journalists carried out through Panos regional centres in South Asia, East Africa and Southern Africa.


Panos Institute, London, UK. 113 pp.

Panos Institute id21 Development Research Dissemination Project. Final Project Report to Social Science Research Unit (SSRU), DFID.

Published 1 January 2003