Pan Asia Networking (PAN) prospectus review 2006-2011.


The first section of this report provides some background information on Pan Asia Networking (PAN)'s prospectus which focused on policies, technologies and effects. The prospectus identified three principal means of delivering programming: supporting the development of research networks, building country programs, and establishing competitive grants. An overview presents a sample of research findings from PAN-supported research projects. The section on program outcomes focuses on four program level outcome areas that relate to the objectives PAN set itself in its prospectus: influencing the reform of ICT policies; catalyzing technological innovation for social benefits; building research capacity in ICT4D through generating more credible knowledge and expanding the capacities of ICT4D researchers; and contributing to strengthened gender integration in ICT4D. The final section presents the conclusions and strategic lessons.


Anon. Pan Asia Networking (PAN) prospectus review 2006-2011. Pan Asia Networking (PAN), Ottawa, Canada (2010) 32 pp.

Pan Asia Networking (PAN) prospectus review 2006-2011.

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Published 1 January 2010