Pan Asia Networking External Panel Review, August 27, 2010


This External Review was commissioned by IDRC in 2010 to review the current third phase of its Pan Asia Networking (PAN) Programme, which between 2005 and April 2010 had allocated $31,886,517 to 81 projects (and 34 supplements).

Six main approaches were used by the Panel systematically to garner as diverse and comprehensive information as possible: a review of PAN’s core program documentation; 42 interviews with the PAN team, grantees and other stakeholders; reviews of all of the documentation associated with 35 of the projects and supplements from this phase; assessments of the quality of 40 research publications; an electronic survey; and an analysis of web statistics relating to PAN on IDRC’s site.

This report covers:

  • Appropriateness of program prospectus implementation
  • Quality of research outputs/publications
  • Significance and contribution of outcomes
  • Strategic issues for the Board of Governors

The Panel’s review of the PAN program is largely positive. The prospectus was implemented in a coherent and appropriate manner. The outputs are numerous and, while they range in quality, they reflect a varied grant making focus and the effective mix of research and advocacy activities that PAN has fostered. The outcomes have been significant, and they have reflected traditional research and policy programs, vibrant and wide-ranging networks and the more risk-taking PAN funding streams.


Kolko, B.; Unwin, T.; Zinnbauer, D. Pan Asia Networking External Panel Review, August 27, 2010. (2010) 18 pp.

Pan Asia Networking External Panel Review, August 27, 2010

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Published 1 January 2010