Opportunities to improve road safety through ‘boda‐boda’ associations in Tanzania - Final Report

Study into motorcycle taxi associations, identifying opportunities to improve safety and other areas of operation


This is the final report of the study into motorcycle taxi associations in Tanzania, identifying opportunities to improve safety and other areas of operation. The numbers of motorcycles and motorised tricycles in Tanzania has increased rapidly in recent years, changing the face of accessibility and mobility. In urban areas, both motorcycles and motorised tricycles are used to avoid congestion, often as taxis, and in rural areas motorcycles are often the only form of motorised transport available. They provide employment and business opportunities for tens of thousands of people. However, safety is a major concern: the numbers of motorcycle‐ and motorised tricycle related deaths and injuries has increased as the number of motorcycles and motorised tricycles operating in the country has increased.

The Government has identified that opportunities exist to address safety concerns through regulation, including through encouraging the formation of associations of motorcycle and motorised tricycle taxi drivers, and empowering the associations to self‐regulate and thus improve the safety‐related behaviour of members. Through investigations in Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Mwanza and Pwani, we have developed, and present in this report, a series of guidelines for motorcycle and motorised tricycle taxi associations and recommendations for Government and other stakeholders.


Bishop, T.; Amos, P. Opportunities to improve road safety through boda-boda associations in Tanzania - Final Report. AFCAP/Cardno, UK (2015) 59 pp.


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Published 1 January 2015