Operational Research to Support Mainstreaming Integrated Flood Management in India under Climate Change - Vol. 8: SOBEK Training Course


A major component of the Mainstreaming of Integrated Flood Management under Climate Change project was the modelling to develop the flood hazard and flood risk maps for both the Burhi-Gandak and Brahmani-Baitarani basins under climate change scenarios. After examination of common commercial software for this purpose, the decision was made to use SOBEK, a powerful modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimisation of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, sewer overflow design, river morphology, salt intrusion and surface water quality. The programmes within the SOBEK modelling suite simulate the complex flows and the water related processes in almost any system. The programmes represent phenomena and physical processes in an accurate way in one-dimensional (1D) network systems and on two-dimensional (2D) horizontal grids. A four-day course was organised to give participants familiarity and confidence in the use of the software


Anon. Operational Research to Support Mainstreaming Integrated Flood Management in India under Climate Change - Vol. 8: SOBEK Training Course. ADB, Manila, Philippines (2015) 17 pp.

Operational Research to Support Mainstreaming Integrated Flood Management in India under Climate Change - Vol. 8: SOBEK Training Course

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Published 1 January 2015