Operational Guidelines for District Level Monitoring Events on Community Based TB Care - DOTS.


This document describes two district level events, inter-related but conducted separately, with a different set of participants to achieve certain agreed outputs. These events are Quarterly Reporting Meeting and District Review and Plan Meeting. The DOTS Facilitators from each of the diagnostic centers attend the quarterly reporting meeting. While the Medical Officers In-charge from the rural health centers and DOTS Focal persons from the hospitals attend the district review and plan meeting.

This district-level monitoring meeting is a key to the whole monitoring process. However, review of these meetings has shown that they lack structure, guidelines and tools and so do not achieve the desired outputs. The Provincial TB Control Programme Punjab and an NGO partner have developed a more structured format for the district level monitoring of TB control activities. These guidelines and tools will be evaluated and revised through piloting in selected districts of Punjab, before being used in other parts of the country.

The objectives and outputs for the monitoring process (including both meetings) are outlined. Then in section 4 the details of the quarterly reporting meeting and in section 5 the details of district review and plan meeting are described. The tools for making presentations and recording/reporting of these events are given in Appendix-A, and instructions for using these tools are given in Appendix-B.


22 pp.

Operational Guidelines for District Level Monitoring Events on Community Based TB Care - DOTS.

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Published 1 January 2007