Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey 2018: Perceived Demand and Impact Potential of Household, Productive Use, and Healthcare Technologies (Third Edition)

Market intelligence on the off-grid appliance market and a framework for stakeholders to identify business opportunities


Efficiency for Access, in collaboration with the Energy Access Practitioner Network, conducted an online survey of energy access professionals to assess the demand and impact potential of 46 off-grid appropriate appliances across household, productive use, and healthcare applications.

The findings presented in the 2018 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey report serve as a key piece of market intelligence to enhance our global understanding of the off-grid appliance market, and provide a framework for stakeholders to identify business opportunities and high-impact interventions around efficient appliances.

This work was supported by the UK Department for International Development as part of the ‘Support the Development of the Low Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA)’ programme.


CLASP. (2018). Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey 2018: Perceived Demand and Impact Potential of Household, Productive Use, and Healthcare Technologies.

Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey 2018: Perceived Demand and Impact Potential of Household, Productive Use, and Healthcare Technologies (Third Edition)

Published 25 September 2018