Nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of cucumber mosaic virus protein 2b

Determines the balance between its roles as a virulence determinant and an RNA-silencing suppressor


The Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) 2b protein is an RNA-silencing suppressor that plays roles in CMV accumulation and virulence. The 2b proteins of subgroup IA CMV strains partition between the nucleus and cytoplasm, but the biological significance of this is uncertain. We fused an additional nuclear localization signal (NLS) to the 2b protein of subgroup IA strain Fny-CMV to create 2b-NLS and tested its effects on subcellular distribution, silencing, and virulence.

This work arises from the Sustainable Crop production for International Development (SCPRID) programme.


Du Z, Chen A, Chen W, Liao Q, Zhang H, Bao Y, Roossinck M, Carr J (2014). Nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of cucumber mosaic virus protein 2b determines the balance between its roles as a virulence determinant and an RNA-silencing suppressor. Journal of Virology 88(10): 5228-41

Nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of cucumber mosaic virus protein 2b determines the balance between its roles as a virulence determinant and an RNA-silencing suppressor

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Published 5 March 2014