NRSP's strategic experience of participatory methods and processes for the improvement of natural resources management.


These proceedings review current research findings and experience, identify gaps and propose actions for scaling-up. The proceedings that are reported are more or less a 'blow by blow' account of the workshop, which examined participatory methods in the context of their potential use in strategies for improving NR management. With the aim of returning a record of the workshop to the participants as quickly as possible, the questions and answers on presentations, and the run of the discussion of specific working group/plenary questions are reported with a minimum of editing.


NRSP 2002. NRSP’s strategic experience of participatory methods and processes for the improvement of natural resources management. Proceedings of an NRSP Workshop, September 7-8, 2002, Reading, UK: University of Reading. 78 pp.

NRSP’s strategic experience of participatory methods and processes for the improvement of natural resources management.

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Published 1 January 2002