Non-farm livelihood activities in three villages in different regions of Georgia: Results of qualitative fieldwork carried out during baseline phase of qualitative research


This paper focuses on three communities, in southern, eastern and western Georgia. It looks at the current level of involvement in non-farm activities in these communities, in the context of involvement in agricultural activities. Although activities themselves may be non-farm, they are almost always conducted by households which are also involved in agriculture, and in most cases agriculture is the most important livelihood activity in which these households are engaged. Thus involvement in agriculture constrains and influences involvement in non-farm activities.


Kobaladze, K. Non-farm livelihood activities in three villages in different regions of Georgia: Results of qualitative fieldwork carried out during baseline phase of qualitative research. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2002) 16 pp. [NRI Report No. 2736]

Non-farm livelihood activities in three villages in different regions of Georgia: Results of qualitative fieldwork carried out during baseline phase of qualitative research

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Published 1 January 2002