New Rice Varieties for Bangladesh from Client-Oriented Breeding


A rapid impact assessment was done in the High Barind Tract (HBT) of Bangladesh on three rice varieties Judi 567, Judi 582 and Barkhe 3004 bred using client-oriented breeding (COB) in RNRRS projects. The study was implemented in 24 villages of 3 districts of the HBT, i.e. Rajshahi, Chapai Nawabganj and Naogaon, using group discussion.

Of the three varieties evaluated, Judi 567 and Barkhe 3004 had been adopted both during the t. aman and the boro season. Judi 567 was adopted for upland and medium lands while Barkhe 3004 was adopted for medium and lowland rice ecosystems. These adoption patterns were mainly determined by the crop duration of a particular variety fitting to a particular domain.

Adoption of Judi 582 had been declining due to lack of any obvious advantage either with the existing farmers varieties or with Judi 567 and Barkhe 3004.

In around one third of the group discussions, the participants reported increases in rice yield of about 30%. Increased availability of food was reported in almost all the discussions and participants also mentioned better nutrition during most group discussions. Participants in about a quarter of the group discussions reported that increased integration of rabi crops, made possible by the introduction of short duration rice varieties, contributed to a 100% increase in cropping intensity in more than 50% of previously fallow land.


Rainfed agriculture impact assessment study No 3, 24 pp.

New Rice Varieties for Bangladesh from Client-Oriented Breeding

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Published 1 January 2009