New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients


This article describes new, improved treatments for Chagas Disease (CD), from the R&D pipeline to the patients. It presents a quick review of CD pathology and clinical evolution; discusses the barriers to development and evaluation of treatments; describes promising developments with new partnerships. It also shows how the DNDi programme is filling the gaps with a mix of projects in-sourced at any stage of the development process, from early discovery through post-registration, with the objective to bring new, field-relevant tools to patients in the shortest time and most efficient way possible, including long-, medium- and short-term projects. A list is given of target product profile for developing a treatment for chronic indeterminate phase of Chagas Disease.


Ribeiro, I.; Sevcsik, A.-M.; Alves, F.; Diap, G.; Don, R.; Harhay, M.O.; Chang, S.; Pecoul, B. New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2009) 3 (7) e484. [DOI: 10.1371/ journal.pntd.0000484]

New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients

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Published 1 January 2009