New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients


This policy paper outlines the urgent need for new treatments for Chagas, examines barriers to development and evaluation of new drugs, and reports on progress in bringing new treatments to patients. Part of a Chagas disease series published by PLoS NTD, this paper focuses on the efforts of DNDi and others to develop and make available better-adapted diagnostic and treatment tools. Published upon the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Chagas disease, this article also mentions a newly launched campaign,, to increase awareness about Chagas disease, and is joined in the series by an editorial covering the unfinished public health agenda and a research article on MSF’s 10-year experience of treating Chagas disease in Latin America.


Ribeiro, I.; Sevcsik, A.M.; Alves, F.; Diap, G.; Don, R.; Harhay, M.O.; Chang, S.; Pecoul, B. . New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2009) 3: e484. [DOI: 10.1371/ journal.pntd.0000484]

New, Improved Treatments for Chagas Disease: From the R&D Pipeline to the Patients

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Published 1 January 2009