Natural Resources Research: Impact assessment and poverty


This briefing paper does not attempt to argue the case for or against NR research as a means to achieving poverty reduction objectives. In part, this reflects the scope and remit of the paper: it also reflects the fact that much has already been written in recent times on this topic, however, in the main, it reflects the belief that the balance of available evidence demonstrates that NR research can benefit the poor. The latter comment is made despite the fact that examples of adverse impacts of NR technology on specific poor groups can also be found. Nevertheless, the benchmark (albeit extreme) case, of no international or national NR research in developing countries over the last 50 years, conjures up images of adversity in these countries on a substantially larger scale than currently exists.


Henderson, S. Natural Resources Research: Impact assessment and poverty. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2000) 41 pp. [Policy series 10]

Natural Resources Research: Impact assessment and poverty

Published 1 January 2000