Mozambique Mapping Phase Report 1 of 2: Background to policy and institutional changes affecting natural resource use and management in Zambézia province, Mozambique


This is the first of two reports produced from the mapping phase of the “Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa: Governance, Institutions and Policy processes” research project in Mozambique, which focuses on the utilisation of natural resources in the province of Zambézia. This report contains a description of the content and background to the development of the relevant natural resource policies in Mozambique and an examination of the formal governing institutions that exist (or are in the process of being created) in Zambézia. Some general description of the study areas is included here, with initial commentary on the local livelihood strategies and the role of natural resources, but the more detailed analysis of these and an examination of informal institutions in operation is the subject of the second report.


Norfolk, S.; Nhantumbo, I.; Pereira, J.; Matsimbe, Z. Mozambique Mapping Phase Report 1 of 2: Background to policy and institutional changes affecting natural resource use and management in Zambézia province, Mozambique. (2002) 81 pp.

Mozambique Mapping Phase Report 1 of 2: Background to policy and institutional changes affecting natural resource use and management in Zambézia province, Mozambique

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Published 1 January 2002