Motivation and livestock-based livelihoods: An assessment of the determinants of motivation among restocked households in Kenya.


Motivation has long been established as an essential determinant of human behaviour, influencing every day decisions as well as long-term goals. Therefore the aim of this study was to explore the motivational factors important to livestock keeping. Ultimately, the objective is to develop a decision support tool, which will facilitate not only restocking projects but a wide range of different livestock development programmes to identify appropriately motivated clients.


Nielsen, L.; Heffernan, C. Motivation and livestock-based livelihoods: An assessment of the determinants of motivation among restocked households in Kenya. In: Responding to the Increasing Global Demand for Animal Products: Programme and Summaries 111. (2004) 236-237.

Motivation and livestock-based livelihoods: An assessment of the determinants of motivation among restocked households in Kenya.

Published 1 January 2004