Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan


This report follows up on two SLRC baseline surveys that showed international migration is a major livelihood strategy for households in Nepal and Pakistan. The report sets out to describe and explain the multidimensional process of international labour migration from two post-conflict contexts – Rolpa, Nepal and Swat and Lower Dir district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan – with a view to better understanding:

  • why and how it happens
  • what it means for migrants and their families vis-à-vis recovery following a crisis
  • and what it tells us about how formal actors and organisations (the state, NGOs, the private sector) may or may not shape the livelihood trajectories of people emerging from conflict.


Hagen-Zanker, J.; Mallett, R.; Ghimire, A.; Shah, Q.A.; Upreti, B.; Abbas, H. Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK (2014) [Research Report 5]

Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan

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Published 1 January 2014