mhealth for Maternal and Newborn Health in resource-poor community and health systems settings, Sierra Leone. Phase I Final Report.


Sierra Leone ranks low on the Human Development Index, with high maternal and child mortality figures. Available literature identifies a number of areas where mobile communication technology for health (mHealth) can make a difference in favour of maternal and newborn health (MNH). However, evidence of effectiveness of mHealth strategies is still limited. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of introducing and operating selected communication technologies for improved communication on MNH, in a fragile health system in resource-poor settings.

Information presented in this report includes a literature review on mHealth in relation to MNH and the Sierra Leonean context; the justification and focus chosen for the mHealth feasibility study; and the study objectives. Also included are the study methodology (including conceptual frameworks and a reflection on study limitations) and study findings. The report concludes with a discussion chapter.


Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Feasibility Study Report, DIFD New and Emerging Technologies Research Competition, Phase I. 62 pp.

mhealth for Maternal and Newborn Health in resource-poor community and health systems settings, Sierra Leone. Phase I Final Report.

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Published 1 January 2011