Measuring and understanding motivation among community health workers in rural health facilities in India-a mixed method study

Motivated human resource is the key to improve health system performance and retention of health workers


Paper adopted a mixed method study design. Under the quantitative component, the authors interviewed randomly selected 62 community health workers (CHWs) in 18 sub-centres in 2 blocks of District Ambala, Haryana, India using a structured motivation scale. In-depth interviews were also carried out with 18 CHWs to explore the sources of motivation. The authors conclude that love for work, and financial incentives were individual level motivators, while community support and recognition, organizational commitment and pride, regular training were identified as environmental level motivators.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Jaya Prasad Tripathy, Sonu Goel, Ajay M. V. Kumar (2016) Measuring and understanding motivation among community health workers in rural health facilities in India-a mixed method study, BMC Health Services Research (2016) 16:366

Measuring and understanding motivation among community health workers in rural health facilities in India-a mixed method study

Published 1 August 2016